Trading on NASDAQ: Opening and Closing Hours

NASDAQ trading hours at a glance

NASDAQ opening and closing hours, New York time1 : 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

NASDAQ opening and closing times, French time (Paris time)2 : from 15.30 to 22.00 Monday to Friday.

After-hours trading of US stocks with IG, Paris time: 10am to 2am Monday to Thursday, 10am to 11pm Friday.

Holidays in the USA

The index is closed for trading on US holidays. NASDAQ closed days include President’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

The day after Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve, the NASDAQ closes earlier at 13:00 New York time (ie 19:00 Paris time2).

However, our investors can still benefit from trading services on NASDAQ outside of the exchange’s opening and closing hours.

NASDAQ extended hours (pre-market and post-market)

NASDAQ offers pre- and post-market hours for stocks. However, we offer extended hours on the NASDAQ index using turbos and CFDs, meaning you can trade more or less 24/7.

We allow investors to trade the NASDAQ for extended hours, 24 hours a day, 5 days a week using Turbo243, and almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week thanks to CFDs (contracts for difference). Thus, it is possible for them to react more quickly to important economic announcements such as GDP growth figures, non-farm payrolls data or even the latest news on certain technology stocks.

We offer CFDs on US stocks “All Sessions” from 10.00 a.m. to 02.00 a.m. Monday to Thursday and from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Friday (Paris time).

When is the best time to trade the NASDAQ?

What is the best time of day to trade the index? According to analysts, there is no specific period to prefer. On the other hand, there are certain moments to avoid, especially if you are new to trading the NASDAQ 100.

“Although there is no ‘best’ time to trade the NASDAQ, many Europeans prefer to trade it right after it opens, at 3:30 PM Paris time, because the first hour can be volatile,” explains our financial analyst, Axel Rudolph.

“Openness often means volatility, as it can coincide with the release of US data on non-farm payrolls, CPI (consumer price index) etc. », he adds. “Less experienced traders may choose to stay on the sidelines in these potentially very volatile periods and prefer to trade when the intraday trend is established. »

However, it must be remembered that high volatility also entails increased risks.

Learn more about how to trade indices

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