Xeilos Trading, the business school recognized by National Education

How does Xeilos Trading stand out?

Xeilos is one of only two schools in France specializing in stock market/trading/market finance to be recognized by the state. We deliver a level 7 diploma equivalent to a Master 2 Financial Markets Expert. This is the great added value that we add to all our students.

Which target group are you targeting?

The selection is quite broad. We are aimed at individuals and financial enthusiasts who want to better understand the mechanisms of intervention in the stock markets in order to better invest in them. Also affected are employees and players undergoing professional retraining who are attracted to the financial profession and individuals seeking to generate additional income through the stock market. We therefore offer everyone a recognized, qualifying framework.

For those who want to make it their career, what are the options?

The Covid-19 crisis has democratized entrepreneurship and opened up new economic horizons for everyone. The population seeks to generate income on their own, and today many companies in the financial sector invite individuals, educated at our school, to trade for them and therefore become Traders. Xeilos Trading is a partner of such companies that we put in contact with our graduates to enter the profession as a Trader after leaving our school. Today, it is not necessary to apply for a position in a bank or an investment fund, which are very closed structures, to practice this profession. Xeilos offers another, much more accessible entry path.

The school is paid for. How can students find funding?

First of all, and this is good news for employees, we are eligible for the Personal Training Account (CPF). In addition, we collaborate with France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi). Persons who are registered and wish to further their education for the commercial profession can therefore, if their case file permits, obtain funding. Individual training support paid by the region can in certain cases be obtained by people who, for various reasons, cannot be financed by France Travail. Finally, without financing, our price ranges are widely accessible to all, for a profession that can change financial lives.

How are the training courses organised?

There are two formulas. People can follow the course programs in person directly at our school. For people who prefer to follow the course at their own pace, we offer this course remotely via one of our educational platforms. The program is the same and its duration is five weeks (250 hours). The distribution between the theoretical part (1.30 hours) and the practical part (1.30 in the trading room, which our school has) with two times three hours during the day, is equal. This also applies to our distance learning students, where everything is recreated for them via our tools.

How do you see the school’s future?

We have already trained almost 200 over the course of two years. The immediate goal of Xeilos is to succeed in training our first 1000 traders and become the reference school for traders first in France and then in Europe.

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